This framework is a Machine Learning framework. It is used to predict the Customer emotion from their feedbacks.
This framework is extended from the Microsoft Machine Learning ML.NET Model.
Datasets and instructions:, Coding demo is “ML.EmotionDemo”
This Research from KMOU (Korea Maritime & Ocean University) – Data Science Lab – Room 407.
Authors: Duy Thanh Tran, Prof. Jun-Ho Huh
Any question, please free to contact me:
My full name: TRAN DUY THANH
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ML.Emotion – How to use?
Install nuget package
Install-Package ML.Emotion -ProjectName YourProject
Train-Test Set sample
Download The UCI Sentiment Labeled Sentences dataset zip file: You use the file “yelp_labelled.txt” or you can download the file at
Full code:
using ML.Emotion.Data; using ML.Emotion.Predict; namespace ML.EmotionDemo { public partial class frmMain : Form { //Declare EmotionEngine object EmotionEngine emotionEngine =new EmotionEngine(); string folder = "Models"; public frmMain() { InitializeComponent(); } private void frmMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { LoadModelIntoCombo(); } //1. Import dataset and split traint- test set private void btnLoadData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string path=openFileDialog1.FileName; double ratio=double.Parse(txtTestRatio.Text); emotionEngine.ImportDataset(path, false, ratio); } } //2. Build model private void btnBuildModel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool ret=emotionEngine.BuildAndTrainModel(); if (ret) lblBuildModelStatus.Text = "Build Model successfully"; else lblBuildModelStatus.Text = "Build Model failed"; } //3. Evaluate model private void btnEvaluateModel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Metric metric= emotionEngine.Evaluate(); txtAccuracy.Text=metric.Accuracy.ToString(); txtAUC_PR.Text=metric.AUC_PR.ToString(); txtAUC_ROC.Text=metric.AUC_ROC.ToString(); txtF1Score.Text=metric.F1Score.ToString(); txtLogLoss.Text=metric.LogLoss.ToString(); txtLogLossReduction.Text=metric.LogLossReduction.ToString(); txtNegativePrecision.Text=metric.NegativePrecision.ToString(); txtNegativeRecall.Text=metric.NegativeRecall.ToString(); txtPositivePrecision.Text=metric.PositivePrecision.ToString(); txtPositiveRecall.Text = metric.PositiveRecall.ToString(); } //4. Save model private void btnSaveModel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Directory.Exists(folder) == false) { Directory.CreateDirectory(folder); } string path = folder + "\\ML.Emotion-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyy-hhmmss") + ".zip"; bool ret = emotionEngine.SaveModel(path); if (ret) lblSaveModelStatus.Text = "Save Model successfully"; else lblSaveModelStatus.Text = "Save Model failed"; LoadModelIntoCombo(); } //5. Load model private void LoadModelIntoCombo() { cboModel.Items.Clear(); if (Directory.Exists(folder) == false) { return; } string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(folder); foreach (string file in files) { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(file); cboModel.Items.Add(fi.Name); } } //5. Load model and pick model private void btnLoadModel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (cboModel.SelectedIndex == -1) return; string modelName = folder + "\\" + cboModel.Text; bool ret = emotionEngine.LoadModel(modelName); if (ret) lblLoadModelStatus.Text = "Load Model successfully"; else lblLoadModelStatus.Text = "Load Model failed"; } //6. Predict private void btnPredict_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FeedbackData feedback=new FeedbackData(); feedback.Data=txtInputData.Text; EmotionDataPrediction result = emotionEngine.Predict(feedback); picBlameArrow.Visible = false; lblBlameProbability.Visible = false; picComplimentArrow.Visible = false; lblComplimentProbability.Visible = false; picNeutralArrow.Visible = false; lblNeutralProbability.Visible = false; if(result.EmotionType==EmotionType.Blame) { picBlameArrow.Visible = true; lblBlameProbability.Visible = true; lblBlameProbability.Text = "Probability:" + result.ProbabilityFormat; } else if(result.EmotionType==EmotionType.Neutral) { picNeutralArrow.Visible = true; lblNeutralProbability.Visible = true; lblNeutralProbability.Text = "Probability:" + result.ProbabilityFormat; } else if(result.EmotionType== EmotionType.Compliment) { picComplimentArrow.Visible = true; lblComplimentProbability.Visible = true; lblComplimentProbability.Text = "Probability:" + result.ProbabilityFormat; } } } }